Isolated binary channel poluting the PISN gap

Can isolated binaries pollute the PISN mass gap by accreting at super-Eddington accretion rates? The results for the paper;
Pushing it over the edge: polluting the pair-instability mass gap for binary black holes through super-Eddington accretion in isolated binaries can be found here: DOI
This work uses COMPAS to compute binary population properties. For each of our 4 model variations (Fiducial, Stable accretion, Common envelope accretion and Combined) we provide 2 files:

1. file describing the initial conditions that were used to run the simulations
2. COMPASOutput.h5 file, which contains i.a. information on the initial 'systems' and final list of 'doubleCompactObjects'.

A detailed description of the COMPAS output can be found here: